
Hea-Ream Lee (🔈) is a writer interested in science and the natural world and the ways they transect human experiences. She has a background in biology and received an MFA in creative nonfiction at the University of Arizona, where she edited fiction for Sonora Review and where she currently teaches writing to undergraduate students. Hea-Ream also serves as a faculty mentor for the Carson Scholars Program, which trains the next generation of environmental researchers in the art of science communication.

Hea-Ream’s writing has appeared in Ecotone, Shenandoah, Terrain.org, Popula, and others, and her work has been anthologized in The Lyric Essay as Resistance (2023). She has received fellowships from Bread Loaf Environmental Writers’ Conference and the Wormfarm Institute. She is working on a book about seed banks and longing.